Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Albert Einstein)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Basic Processing and Chuck Communication

A very basic example on how to establish communication between Processing and ChucK.
  • run oscProc.pde in Processing
  • run oscChuck.ck in ChucK
  • in the sketch, press "s" key to send message

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fast Fourier Transform in ChucK to Get Spectrum

We can convert time domain to frequency domain by using Fast Fourier Transform, that's to calculate the discrete fourier transformation. http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/language/uana.html

This is the basic of finding the spectrum of an input signal, in this case I use a sinusoidal signal as example.
This will display frequencies and power (in polar form of the complex number) at the FFT bin indices.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Graph Complex Set In Python with mpmath and matplotlib

In this case I use Python(x,y). This package comes with many standard plugins, such as sympy (in which we use its mpmath), numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and so on. http://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/wiki/StandardPlugins

Simple Processing Game using Minim

This is a simple program (a memory game) written in Processing 2 language.
It has two version, Java mode and Javascript mode.
Using Minim is not straightforward in Javascript mode, especially for sound part. (Yet there is better and richer sound library, Maxim which is until now only be able to play sound in Chrome browser, ref: Can I use Web Audio API ).

Here are both versions,
Java mode:
JavaScript mode:

Electronics Music in ChucK

Following a course by CalArts ( instructors with their expertise on music and computer science: Ajay Kapur, Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook from Princeton ).
It uses ChucK programming language.


Some ChucK codes:

This is now in the Kadenze, as of 2015: ($600)