Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Albert Einstein)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Google Plus API Java Starter for NetBeans IDE

 This is my personal notes on porting following described package into NetBeans IDE. CMIIW is one of my gods. This is written in 2011, hence it might or might not work with latest update (if any). 

Google Plus Java Starter is a very basic example starter package to learn Google Plus API client for Java. Unfortunately it does not include package for NetBeans IDE (it prefers Eclipse as I guess it due to Oracle factor). 
Here is explanation on how to port starter code into NetBeans IDE 6.9 (Microsoft Windows OS environment).

Credits to google-plus-java-starter project people:
    willnorris.goog chrscha...@gmail.com  chirags@google.com mimm...@google.com wo...@google.com  ai...@google.com yan...@google.com
They are team member creating original starter package.

Google App Engine Java SDK

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Google+ API Activities using HTML and JQuery

 My personal note. (CMIIW is one of my gods). This is written in 2011, hence it might or might not work with latest update (if any). 

This is the very basic and simplest example to access Google+ activities via its API, using HTML, JQuery and simple API key authentication.

All client side scripts. There is no server side scripts is being involved.

The only weakness of the codes is: I need to hide my API key somewhere in the server's inaccessible folder.
But it can be overcame when I use the code in real application, by deploying the HTML file into a web server.

Since it's contained in a HTML file, it can be utilized in non-native mobile application, such as HTML5 app runnable in mobile devices. I also imagine blog (Blogger, Wordpress) sidebar-plugin and browser's add-ons.