Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Albert Einstein)

Friday, November 6, 2015

MOOC Coursera Certificates

Some my MOOC certificates (statement of accomplishments / honor code certificates). As a matter of memento (personal memorandum). 

Original certificates format: PDF.
Converted image format PNG.
Images resolution: Low-res.

Coursera, edX, Udemy, Zenva:

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python, William Marsh Rice University, Houston Texas. 2013.
Instructors: Prof. Joe Warren, Prof. Scott Rixner, John Greiner PhD, Stephen Wong PhD. (Computer Science) 
Part of Fundamentals of Computing Specialization.

Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications, Brown (Ivy League) University, Providence Rhode Island. 2013.
Instructor: Prof. Philip Klein. (Computer Science)

Discrete Optimization, University of Melbourne, Australia. 2013. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Pascal van Hentenryck. 

Algorithms: Design and Analysis Part I, Stanford University, California. 2013.
Instructor: Prof. Tim Roughgarden. (Computer Science)

Algorithms: Design and Analysis Part II, Stanford University, California.2013.
Instructor: Prof. Tim Roughgarden. (Computer Science)

Linear Circuits, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia. 2013.
Instructor: Prof. Bonnie H. Ferri. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Cryptography I, Stanford University, California.2013.
Instructor: Prof. Dan Boneh. (Computer Science)

Linear and Integer Programming, University of Colorado Boulder. 2013.
Instructors: Prof. Sriram Sankaranarayanan (Computer Science), Shalom D. Ruben PhD (Mechanical Engineering). 

Calculus One, The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio. 2013.
Instructors: Prof. Jim Fowler, Bart Snapp PhD, Jenny George PhD (Mathematics)
Note: This course is no longer offering regular course, instead it's now on-demand (self-paced without certificate).  

Analysis of a Complex Kind, Wesleyan University, Middletown Connecticut. 2013.
Instructor: Prof. Petra Bonfert-Taylor. (Mathematics and Computer Science)


Introduction to Computational Arts, State University of New York. 2013.
Instructor: Dr. Margaret Anne Schedel. 

(Update: This course was a 17 weeks course (2013). It then splitted into 3 courses: Processing, Visual Arts, and Sound. Then it's back again to single 17 weeks course (2014).

Introduction to Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, LA County. 2013.
Instructors: Ajay Kapur PhD (Calarts), with guest instructors: Ge Wang PhD (Stanford), Perry R. Cook PhD (Princeton). 

(Note: this course is no longer in Coursera, it has been moved to Kadenze.)

"Calculus Single Variable", University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Robert Ghrist. (Mathematics and Electrical & Systems Engineering)


"Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", Rice Uniersity, Houston Texas. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Don H. Johnson. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)


"Image and video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital", Duke University, Durham North Carolina. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Guillermo Sapiro. (Electrical and Computer Engineering)


"Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering: Part 1 Musical Sound & Electronics", University of Rochester, New York. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Robert Clark (Mechanical Engineering), Prof. Mark Bocko (Electrical and Computer Engineering)


"Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems", University of Maryland, College Park Maryland. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Adam Porter. (Computer Science)

(URL has been changed, it's now part of the Mobile Cloud Computing with Android Specialization)
Looks like the specialization is no longer offered ;) I'm not sure but looks like this is new URL https://www.coursera.org/learn/android-programming

"Calculus Two: Sequences and Series". The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Jim Fowler. (Mathematics)


"Massively Multivariable Open Online Calculus Course". The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Jim Fowler, Steve Gubkin Ph.D. (Mathematics)


"Linear and Discrete Optimization". École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Friedrich Eisenbrand (Mathematics) 


"Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing". Northwestern University, Evanston & Chicago Illinois. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Aggelos K. Katsaggelos (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 


"Digital Signal Processing". École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. 2014.
Instructors: Paolo Prandoni Ph.D., Prof. Martin Vetterli (Computer and Communication Science)


"Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems". Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Douglas C. Schmidt, Prof. C. Jules White (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). 

(URL has been changed, it's now part of the Mobile Cloud Computing with Android Specialization)  
Looks like it's no longer offered, I couldn't find the specialization URL. Maybe this is the new URL, https://www.coursera.org/course/mobilecloud

"Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems". Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Douglas C. Schmidt, Prof. C. Jules White (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). 

(URL has been changed, it's now part of the Mobile Cloud Computing with Android Specialization)  
No longer offered, I couldn't find the URL of the specialization.  ;)

"Interactive Computer Graphics". University of Tokyo, Japan. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Takeo Igarashi. (Computer Science)

"Algorithmic Thinking". William Marsh Rice University, Houston Texas. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Luay Nakhleh, Prof. Joe Warren, Prof. Scott Rixner, (Computer Science) 

Part of Fundamentals of Computing Specialization


"Introduction to Engineering Mechanics". Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia. 2014.
Instructor: Dr. Wayne Whiteman, PE. (Mechanical Engineering)

Note: Latest information I received, this course will no longer offer regular course, instead it will be on-demand (self paced).   

"GPS: An Introduction to Satellite Navigation, with an interactive Worldwide Laboratory using Smartphones", Stanford University, California. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Per Enge, Prof. Frank van Diggelen. (Aeronautics and Astronautics)

"Functional Programming Principles in Scala", École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. 2014.
Instructor: Prof. Martin Odersky. (LAMP1)


"The Data Scientist's Toolbox", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization

"R Programming", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications", Stanford University California, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Xavier Serra (Information and Communication Technologies), Prof. Julius O. Smith III (Electrical Engineering, CCRMA).


"Getting and Cleaning Data", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2015.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Exploratory Data Analysis", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Reproducible Research", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Statistical Inference", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Regression Models", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2014.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Machine Learning", Stanford University, California. 2015.
Instructor: Prof. Andrew Ng PhD.
This course was a regular format course with SoA, but now it has been being replaced by new self-pace on-demand format without SoA.

"Practical Machine Learning", John Hopkins University, Baltimore Maryland. 2015.
Instructors: Prof. Roger D. Peng PhD, Prof. Jeff Leek PhD, Prof. Brian Caffo PhD. (Dept. Of Biostatistics) 

Part of Data Science Specialization.  

"Web Application Architectures", University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. 2015.
Instructor: Prof. Greg Heileman (Electrical and Computer Engineering).

"JavaScript Programming: Learn by Making a Mobile Game", Udemy, 2015.
Instructor: Pablo Farias Navarro (Founder of Zenva). 

(41)      (Original certificate pic size is 1600 pixels, this pic is scaled down.)

"Analytics Edge", edX, 15.071x, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA, 2015.
Instructors: Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas (Boeing Professor of Operations Research and  Co-Director of the Operations Research Center at MIT). 

"Computer Graphics", edX, CSE167x (OpenGL), UC San Diego, 2015.
Instructors: Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi (Director of UC San Diego for Visual Computing). 

"Data Science and Machine Learning Essentials", edX, Microsoft DAT203x (Microsoft Azure ML), 2015.
Instructors: Dr. Steve Elston (Managing Director of Quantia Analytics, LLC), Prof. Cynthia Rudin (Professor of Statistics at MIT, Leader of Prediction Analysis Lab at MIT)

"Interactive Computer Graphics with WebGL", University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. 2015.
Instructor: Prof. Edward Angel (Computer Science).


"Mining Massive Datasets", Stanford University, California. 2015.
Instructors: Jure Leskovec PhD., Anand Rajaraman PhD., Prof. Jeff Ullman.


"Data Analysis: Take it to the MAX()", edX, EX101x, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. 2015.
Instructor: Prof. Félienne Hermans (Spreadsheet Lab - Software Engineering Research Group)
"Data Analysis and Statistical Inference", Duke University, Durham North Carolina. 2015.
Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (Assistant Professor of the Practice Department of Statistical Science).

"Introduction to Natural Language Processing", University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan. 2015-2016.
Instructor: Prof Dragomir R. Radev PhD.(Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Linguistics).


"The Ultimate Game Development Course with Construct 2", Zenva Academy. 2016. 
Instructor: Ankur Prasad, expert in the game industry, Yoda Elearning, formerly worked at Microsoft and currently resides at Amazon as the head of partner marketing. 

"Introduction to Recommender Systems", University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN. 2015.
Instructors: Prof. Joseph A. Konstan, Michael D. Ekstrand (Computer Science and Engineering).

(Only screenshots. There is no PDF of statement of accomplishment in the new format of Coursera's on-demand).

"Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach", University of Washington, Seattle WA. 2015. 
Instructors: Prof. Carlos Guestrin (Amazon Professor of Machine Learning, Computer Science and Engineering), Prof. Emily Fox (Amazon Professor of Machine Learning, Statistics).  
This course is part 1 of Machine Learning Specialization
(Only screenshots. There is no PDF of statement of accomplishment in the new format of Coursera's on-demand)

"Machine Learning: Regression" University of Washington, Seattle WA. 2015. 
Instructors: Prof. Carlos Guestrin (Amazon Professor of Machine Learning, Computer Science and Engineering), Prof. Emily Fox (Amazon Professor of Machine Learning, Statistics).  
This course is part 2 of Machine Learning Specialization.  

"Front-End Web UI Tools and Frameworks", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2015. 
Instructor: Prof. Jogesh K Muppala (Department of Computer Science and Engineering).  
(Topics: Bootstrap, Less, Sass, Bower, NodeJS)  
This course is part 2 of Full Stack Web Development Specialization
(Only screenshots. There is no PDF of statement of accomplishment in the new format of Coursera's on-demand)

"Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2015. 
Instructor: Prof. Jogesh K Muppala (Department of Computer Science and Engineering).  

This course is part 3 of Full Stack Web Development Specialization

Algorithm, Part I, and Algorithm, Part II Princeton University. 2013.
Instructor: Kevin Wayne PhD, Prof. Robert Sedgewick. (Computer Science)
 [These courses (2013) do not award Statement of Accomplishment, due to Princeton's policy.]

Disclaimer: In case of dead link, search the title in the Coursera website. Chances are (1) the course has been closed/discontinued, (2) course format has been changed to on-demand format, (3) course has been separated into smaller courses, (4) course has been included in a new specialization, or (5) the URL has been changed, or (6) the course has been moved to another platform.